
checkerboard revival , luxury and fashion game

This is the fantasy or the reality , bright yellow checkerboard occupy all of the line of sight, down the river to create a checkerboard psychedelic inexplicable sense of straight sections and contour lines from the 1960s will be one kind of sweet retro free in between luxury and fashion . Finally, a public model appeared together , to stand out in a checkerboard like a chess game atmosphere lineup. At that moment, I will always remember this show - Louis Vuitton2013 spring and summer clothing show.

Built up by the two-color checkerboard square grid Plaid is the main element in the design of LV , Marc Jacobs said the inspiration for this season is the artist Daniel Buren royal palace in Paris 's famous architectural Les Deux Plateaux, this is from the 260 the root level of the different components of the buildings pillars - seemingly without emotion stereotypical black and white pillars , with ups and downs like having a different mood , but also just like to play the melody for a while , so the visual wonders are perfectly applied to the LV show among field .


