
Designed to create your jewelry

Fidenza Village, a new concept store in The Talent Store was inaugurated yesterday . In addition to numerous styles of clothing styles , there are many special accessories display, these accessories style is very novel, giving the feeling of surprise , the design is also very clever, but most of them are made of very young designers the . So yesterday, the spotlight is jewelry.

Everyone loves jewelry! Rare or expensive, all jewelry, make people excited. Of course the original accessories and old jewelry is really fascinating. They are enduring. Last year on the anniversary of the bulgari jewelry exhibition held in Paris, just look at the pictures and used to belong to Elizabeth Taylor or Anna MaiLanNi jewelry is a visual feast.

Old jewelry is very tempting. These jewels are tailored for the customer, so from the choice of jewelry to carve technology, everything is follow the customer's requirements. Is because of this, jewelry box can achieve synergies between owners. xzzqlcy$0726

